Celebrating 10 years of The Future Fire magazine--fundraiser for their anthology

Wow. I really haven't been here in a while.

I hope to post something more substantive soon, but for now I will direct readers (all 2 of them?) to a most excellent magazine and to the fundraiser celebrating that magazine's 10th anniversary.

The Future Fire is a speculative fiction online magazine which has been publishing strange and beautiful science fiction and fantasy for 10 years now. As stated in the submission guidelines, the editors are interested in fiction with social-political and progressive themes. Such themes can actually stretch to cover quite a bit, and the stories there often express those themes in subtle and unexpected ways.  I was very very proud when one of my own stories, Disconnected, was chosen for publication in The Future Fire this past spring.

And to celebrate their 10 years in business, the staff at The Future Fire are now running an Indiegogo campaign to fund an anthology publishing a mix of new stories and material with some of the best from a decade of The Future Fire. There are all kinds of cool contributor rewards, too! (including a zombie doll hand-knit to look like you).

To learn more about The Future Fire and their fundraiser, please have a look here.


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