There is so much good fiction coming out this May that I’m already buried! So, before I plunge into more reading, here’s a quick roundup of some of my favorites from March and April. . . Nevertheless, She Persisted--a flash series at Tor As an homage to Senator Elizabeth Warren and women persisting everywhere, Tor commissioned this series of flash pieces by women. The entire series is worth your time, but these three struck me particularly hard: God Product by Alyssa Wong Everything by Alyssa Wong strikes hard. And this one of her hardest yet—absolutely horrific, heartbreaking, and stunning. Anabasis by Amal El-Mohtar Prose-poetry that slices with light and pain. Borders, belonging and not belonging, and a woman who persists. The Ordinary Woman and the Unquiet Emperor by Catharine Valente A gorgeous, rich fairy tale in miniature—and with an uplifting end that will have you cheering. Flash pieces at Arsenika Arsenika is a new magazine of...