Publication updates for June: The Wave at The Future FIre

Okay, despite all the general insanity of the world, June was a good month for me, publication-wise. 

On June 3 my short story, "In Dew and Frost and Flame," was published at the lovely new journal, Metaphorosis Magazine. 

On June 24, there was the official cover reveal for my upcoming fantasy novelette, "The Lilies of Dawn," to be released in July by Annorlunda Books.

And on June 26, my latest story, "The Wave," was published at The Future Fire.  It takes place in the same world/timeline as my previous story in The Future Fire, "Disconnected." So yes, it's cyberpunk, or least cyberpunk-ish. And it's also about big-wave ocean surfing. I've never surfed in my life, but this story did manage to fool some real surfers into thinking that I have. 

And now it's July, and I'm late in getting to bed. I'm off for vacation tomorrow in the Colorado Rockies! And hopefully I'll have new adventures to write about when I get back. 


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