The Lilies of Dawn, my forthcoming ebook

Here it is. . . The cover reveal for my fantasy novelette, The Lilies of Dawn, forthcoming from Annorlunda Books!

What? you say. Is this, like, a real book?

Why, yes it is. It's not a full-length novel, but it's being published as a short ebook. And also in paperback! So you'll be able to hold in your hand that gorgeous, gorgeous cover, illustrated and designed by the talented artist and poet, Likhain.

What is this story about? you may be asking.

Well, it's about magical lilies (modeled after lotus flowers, as you can see).  And it's about a flock of demon cranes. And it's also about love and duty and one young woman's coming-of-age. All set in an imaginary secondary world that doesn't correspond exactly to any place in our real world, but that does draw geographically and culturally from Southeast Asia.

It's due for release on July 27, and pre-orders will be available in mid-July. You can view the official publisher announcement here. Check the publisher site or my blog (or follow me on Twitter at @FoggWriter) for updates.

And although it's more traditional to thank people upon actual publication, I'll go ahead and thank people right here. Thank you to all my beta-readers for their feedback on this piece. Thank you to writer and editor Francesca Forrest for her smart, smart editing of the manuscript. Thank you to Likhain for this beautiful cover. And thank you to Annorlunda Books for believing in this.

I'll be thanking you all again on publication day.

And I'm so excited to be sharing this book with the rest of you soon.


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