A Vietnamese translation of one of my stories! Promo for Lilies of Dawn! And more

My story, "The Things That We Will Never Say" was translated into Vietnamese! The translation is now out in the Vietnamese science fiction fanzine, SFVN, translated by Long Nguyen, and you can check it out here. This is perhaps one of the coolest things I've yet had happen as a writer. I can't read or understand a word of Vietnamese, but it's thrilling to know that my story is now available to readers in a different language. The layout of the magazine is just gorgeous--check it out!

In other self-promo news:

My latest story, “The House of Illusionists” in Liminal Stories, has been getting some very kind comments. It was featured in the Barnes and Noble Science Sci-Fi & Fantasy blog, and it has now also been listed on the Nebula Reading List! “The Things That We Will Never Say” is on the Nebula Reading List list this year, as well!

And finally:

The lovely writer Francesca Forrest has a new novelette out today, The Inconvenient God, published by Annorlunda Books. If you’ve read my novelette from the same publisher, The Lilies of Dawn, you may notice a similarity in the gorgeous cover art for our books. That’s because the art for both was done by the magnificently talented Likhain. Both books are also secondary-world fantasy stories with women protagonists struggling to do the right thing. Our publisher, Annorlunda Books, is offering a promotion through the month of October: if you buy a copy of Forrests’ The Inconvenient God, you’re eligible for a discount on my Lilies of Dawn! See details here.

(Also, if you already have a copy of The Lilies of Dawn, or no interest in reading it, please check out Francesca Forrests’ work anyway; she is a beautiful, lyrical writer and her hard-to-classify/slipstream novel, Pen Pal, is one of my favorite reads of all time. I'm really looking forward to digging into The Inconvenient God now).  


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