The award-eligibility post or publication round-up for 2016

Well, here it is, I guess. My round-up of publications I’ve had out in 2016. I don’t know how many are “award-eligible” in any category (none of these are pro-sales), but it’s nice to have a place to sum them all up.

In Dew and Frost and Flame (3301 words) at Metaphorosis Magazine, June 2016.

A story about love and magical inks. Story notes here.

The Wave (6306 words) at The Future Fire, June 2016.

Cyberpunk on a surf board. Set in the same timeline as my other hard sci-fi story, Disconnected

  • Story notes here 
  •   Also selected as a “Recommended Read” by The Semiotic Standard. Review here

All the Souls Like Candle Flames (6816 words) at Luna Station Quarterly, December 2016.

A mythic tale about a Sea Witch, a white gull, and a little brown fish. This is one particularly close to my heart: like Moon Story, it started off as a fairy tale to entertain my daughers, and was born from the tedium of airline travel. The plot accreted slowly; it's one of my stories born in imagery, and it grew as a cascade of imagery. Even I can't explain some of the mysteries in it. 

Of Milk and Blood (2428 words) at Unsung Stories, December 2016.

A short, sharp tale of demons and fear. I deliberately set out to do specific things with structure and mood, and I’m happy that it seems I mostly succeeded.

The Lilies of Dawn (13,688 words). 

Fantasy novelette available in both e-book and print from Annorlunda Books.

Magical water lilies, demon cranes, and one young woman’s coming-of-age. 

Reviews and press here

     This was literally my biggest publication of the year, the longest thing I have written yet. I am so thankful that small press Annorlunda Books took a chance and believed in it. And I am so, so gratified for the reception and support it’s received both IRL and from my online community of writers and readers. I’m very happy to be able to share Kai and Kevak, and their world, with others.

Summary: So that's it! In all, I published five separate pieces this year, which is a record for me. A total of 35,840 words--again, a record.

2016 has been so terrible for so many of us. But there were also many good things that happened for me, personally. I wrote stories and read them. I've had the chance to travel with family and see friends. I've watched my daughters growing into thoughtful, kind young people. The snow outside sparkles like a field of stars, and the other night there was a huge, stunning gold moon on the horizon. 

I am still married to my first love.

And this year, I also found an online community of fellow writers who are there to provide support, to encourage and cheer and say, The writing matters even when you think it doesn't. 

It's dark and cold, and we reach for all the lights that we can. 


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