Obligatory self-promotion post: Goodreads and blog giveaways of my book! Interviews!

So it's real. My little book came out and my publisher sent me three copies and I can hold them in my hand and put them on my shelf and coo over the cover and layout and my words in print on real paper. It's a real book, y'all.  

My hardworking publisher lined up advance readers and bloggers and the reviews are beyond what I expected. As I said to her in an e-mail earlier today, readers are getting it. That makes me so happy. 

And there are giveaways for this book, too!

Annorlunda Books has arranged for a Goodreads giveaway. One print copy will be given away, and you have until Aug 12 to enter. Click here for more info.

Vicky at the book review blog, Books and Strips, was kind enough to interview me and also host a giveaway of the ebook version for us. Click here for the interview and an introduction to her lovely blog.

The blog Rope and Tire also had a lovely review.

My gratitude to all who have bought the book, mentioned it on social media, retweeted the announcements, read it, or read and then left a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or elsewhere. I am so gratified by the support from both writer and non-writer friends, and even from complete strangers. It's honestly taken me by surprise. Thank you, all.

And in the theme of self-promotion, one last thing. My cyberpunk-on-a-surfboard story, "The Wave" (very different from The Lilies of Dawn!) appeared in The Future Fire magazine last month. Last week, The Future Fire interviewed me about the story, and you can read the interview here


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